Dienstag, 19. August 2014

Week no.3 Part II

I know not many details about the WoW lore. Main reason is, that you dont get to fight the big bosses until you raid. Here is how much i know about Cataclysm. Deathwing the leader of the Blackdragonflight is threating Azeroth. He freed the Elemental Lords who bring chaos and destrcution. Your quest is to defeat the 4 Elemental Lords and finaly fight Deathwing to end his reignmentship (is that a word?). Thrall leader of the Earthen Ring, a factioned formed by allied shamans all over Azeroth is fighting with the Elemental Energies at the Malestrom who could destory the World.

At mount Hyal the Fire Lord Ragnaros brings death to the land and wants to destroy Treeadsil the World tree. We quest through the land, free it from the Fire Minions and finaly beat Ragnaros where he came from. The Firelands. Ragnaros was the first Big Boss i was fighting in a Solo Questline. It felt epic to fight side on side Furion Stormrage.

After the win against Ragnoros i wen to Deepholm. A world underneath Azeroth. Or on the top of it. Im so confused by WoW lore sometimes. There i found this Alliance ship, with only the Captian of the Crew Barley alive.Honestley beside that airship i had no clue what the hell was goin on in Deepholm.

In Uldum i encountered 3 to 4 different Alliance RP groups. Uldum is one of my alltime favorite WoW Zones. It was great to see so much RP going on, on a Warcraft Server.

And then i even encountered Orcish RP in Orgrimmar itself. I decided to do some spontanious RP myself by getting drunk after drinking 10 strong drinks. Dont even ask me what i was drinking. I could see and walk straight after that for like 10 minutes. If you want to know how WoW looks as a drunk. Here you go.

Ín week no.3 Part III i will show you my journey to Twilight Highlands and the battles that are fought there. 

For the Horde

Week no.3 Part I

 I will split my week no.3 in more than one part. I journyed through Northrend and the hole Cataclym story to come to Pandaria. All in one week. I had holidays. First time I came to Northrend, i was absolutly blown awy by the nordish landscapes. I captured some of them here.

Nordish lights in Howling Fjords.

 Ice Troll Temple in Zul'Drak.

 A jungle on the ice continent.

And then there is that awesome gnome Airport in the middle of nowhere. 

Beside that landscapes i got three maior storys to tell for Northrend. First i want to talk about Thrym: The Hope Ender. Its a huge World Boss in Zul'Dark. I talked to a WoW friend of mine who goes for the name Rockhbar. He plays an Tauren Hunter. I told him we totaly should try to beat that fella. He is a Elite Boss lvl 80 with 6.3k health. Long story short. He crushed us. I still beat him in a quest afterwards. I was riding on the back of a giant though. I will come back to Thrym in Week 4. I like stories like these, where you just interact with the World without a certain porpuse. You set your own goals and achivements.

The second story is about a Paladin, who fought in the Zone of Ice Crown a battle against the undead and got defeated and cursed by the plague. We find him lying near a campfire in the mountians of Ice Crown. He is dying and he knows it. This quest learns us about the different possibilites someone can be cured in WoW. We decide to save him. First we go to a Priest who gives us some Magic Nuts that could heal him. They show no effect. Than someone sends us to Moonglade where we journey in the Elmarad Dream to find Magic Seeds who have big healer power. No effect again. The paladin is still dying. Finaly we journey to Outland to ask the creatures of Light itself the Naruu to save that Paladin. To promise to help.

When we find the Paladin lying in the snow for a fourth time, still dying he gets saved by the Naruu. He dies but the plague is taken from him and he can rest in peace. I liked that quest. It got my to journey to other dimensions and meet creatures and people who could save that Paladin. Memorable.

The third story is about the continent of Northrend itself. Throughout the most quests in Northrend you literaly can feel the undead threat that is Arthas the Lichking himself. The hole continent is at war against his undead plague rolling over Azeroth to eliminate all living beeings. This ulimate threat centered around one person and one location on the continent is what makes the experience in Northrend so unique for me. I didnt defeat Arthas myself, cause i would have to search for a raid. But i found a stone in a quest, that would weaken him.

Part 2 of Week 3 will be about the Cataclysm and some places i have been in that Expansion.

For the Horde

Montag, 18. August 2014

Week no.2

So my Reegna's Wow Weekly starts of around lvl 40ish, when i finaly managed to do decent screenshots again. It starts of with a good story though. It shows a nice guild people can be. So my many source of Leveling this year is questing. Ever since i played through Pandaria, i really like WoW questing. Its kind of monotone and not really difficult. But its relaxing and i allways love the exploring and getting into to lore and stuff. 
Around lvl 40 i wanted to quest in Blasted Lands. A country that got pretty much destoryed by Deathwing, a might black Dragon, that threated hole of Azeroth in the Cataclysm expansion. The thing is. When you are horde and lvl 40, its kinda hard to get there. Its possible, but dangerous and it takes very long. So without me asking someone, two of my guild members said they could take me there with their dragons for two people. So they did. Thats a picture of the very kind Elannaria flying me to Blasted Lands. Thx again!

Speaking of new things that you can find in WoW. In Blasted Lands i found a new Goblin City that i didnt knew. I have a favor for all Goblin, Troll, and Old School Orc Citys/Town. I really should do a series about these. Here is the Blasted Lands one. I had to do a fun quest there where i had to shoot animals from the mountian, with some kind of a goblin bazooka.


And thats all i got this year for the levels 1-60. Maybe i will revisit some of these places in future weeks to come. But until than lets move on to Outland. I totaly skipped all of Outland last year, by doing dungeons until i got lvl 70. This year i did no dungeon in Outland. And did as may quests there as i needed for becoming 70. I saw a lot of new stuff i havent seen. I really like the landscape in Outland. There are many different places. No place looks like the other. 
As i said before i have a absolut favor for Troll towns. Im allways glad, when i find a new one, that i havent seen before. So i was glad to reach the Troll towns in the lands of Zanakamarsch. A land with full of giant Mushrooms. 

The two things i liked the most in Outland where the beatiful landscapes, and the old school orcisch architecture. It reminds me so much at Warcraft 1 and 2 buildings. Nostalgia pure.

From Zanakmarsch to Nagrand. The homeland of the orcs.

These buildings are the same as in Warcraft 1. Its an old Orc town in the Nagrand. They still life their old shamanistic life style. Besides the landscape and the architecture, i encountered two interessting characters. First i found Landtresor of the Blade. He is half orc, half dreanai. His dilemma is, that neither the orcs nor the dreanai want to count them as one of there people. So he escaped into the wilderness where he regins over a Ogre Tribe, witch is terrorising the orcs in Nagrand. My quest was to negotiate about peace with him.

The next big hero i found was Rexxar. I know Rexxar from the Warcraft 3 Expansion. There you could play a single player campian centered around him and the founding of Durotar. Now he is the leader of a Orcisch Tribe in Outland and lifes near of his fathers roots. His biggest enemys are the Ogres.

That sums up my experiences in Outland. I tried to do some questing in Shadowmoon Valley, where Guldans Hand and the Black Temple can be found. But the zone was to dark for me and i moved on to Northrend, the Ice Continent to face the minions of Arthas who is bringing death to Azeroth. More about my journey through Northrend in Week no.3 

For the Horde

Week no.1

So in the first week i needed to learn all the stuff i forgot over the last year not playing WoW. One of the most important things was how to make decent screenshots. So this year there are no Screenshots for my first week. 

For the future: You press Alt+Z to hide the UI and than just press Print. Done. All the Screenshots can be found in the Game directory of WoW under Screenshots. 

I needed like 2-3 different rerolls of characters until i found the right one. First my plan was to make a Pandaren Brewmaster like the Brewmaster from Dota 2, witch is one of my favorite Dota 2 Heros.But after level 17 i just wasnt happy with beeing a bear anymore. So i rerolled a female Orc Warrior. Why female Orc Warrior? Because they are a huge minority in this World and they got to be more visable. 

I called her Reegna (witch is Anger with an extra e backwards). 

I imagine her as an Orc who will join Voljin and Baine at the Rebellion against Garrosh. She is an Orc, but an Outsider under her people. Her vision of the Horde is more directed to Thrall and Voljin, who want to unite the races and search for ways of Peace between the factions.

My main decision to roll an Orc where the new Trailers for the upcoming Expansion: Warlords of Dreanor.
Orcs look so badass nowadays. Where last year was my year of the Trolls, this year definitly is my year of the Orcs. 

Thats Reegna fighting Dragonkins with the support of her future self.  My favorite quote of my future self: "Gush. No wonder i started trinking. Look at your poor gear".

So because i have no screens, i miss out a lot of Story from lvls 1-40/50. Next week will be about the beginnings of my journey this year, and new or old stuff i encounterd.

For the Horde

Reegna's WoW Weekly


Im playin World of Warcraft again. Once a year i allways want to come back to that fantasy place.

The thing with WoW is, that there are so many places, characters, items and stuff to find, that there allways will be something new. 

With the guild system in WoW you are allways get to know new people too. Thats awesome. 

I switched my realm this year, from Die Aldor (german RP realm) to Argent Dawn (european-english RP realm). God is it fun here. 

I joined the Prancing Pony guild (Named after a hobbit Pub in Lord of the Rings). A horde guild with their many guild base in a Pub near the Ruins of Gilneas. Basicly in the middle of Alliance territory. (Reason: Because the guild dosent know such things as territorial hegemony). If you want to find the pub its in the town called Keel Harbor. The last house in the west of the town.

The people in the guild are very friendly, funny and helpful. 

Another main reason to start playin again, is my personal hypetrain for the new WoW Expansion called Warlords of Dreanor. It will feature Time Travel and Orcs. A lot of Orcs. 

If you haven't seen the new Story Line Videos for the Expansion, check them out. They are awesome. Even if you dont play Warcraft.

So over the next weeks, i will post summarys of  my journey through Azeroth and Outland. 

For the Horde