Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2013

Week no.9

Wow. Week 9 allready. 

Welp last week i started my new Twink Zharvall. He is allready lvl 53 now. I do only dungeons in this run, if i find them while questing. Thats right. No looking for dungeon anymore. 

As i didnt do that many Quests in Kalimdor yet, most of the quests are new for me and not boring at all. 

My journey lead me to Thousend Needles, Tanaris and Winterfall this week. 
Thousend Needles is a area with a lots of water. Thats why you get your own boat for this area only. 

 Next to Thousends Needles you find the Desert Area Tanaris, with the great Goblin town Gadgetzan.

In Tanaris there is one of my favorite Dungeons Zul Farak. Its a Troll Dungeon where you have to fight the desert Troll Tribe Sandfurys. This is me and my random dungeon group.

At the end of the Tanaris Questing line you learn a bit about the Titans. There I found this mystic writings.

When you finish all thoses quests in Tanaris, you are able to fight in the Thunderdome of Gadgetzan where you meet this Troll. I like this Quest Arena fights a lot. The game told me to bring 2 more players with me, but with the hunter i can take such fights easily on my own.

With level 50 i left the desert behind me and traveled far up to the north to another goblin town called Everleek.

Good luck have fun


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